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TFCG Campaign

A poster campaign against deforestation in Tanzania hypothetically sponsored by a local NGO, the Tanzania Forest Conservation Group.

With an intent to protect forests, the Tanzanian government made agreements with rural communities, these communities are allowed to gather certain resources within neighbouring forests—like deadwood—in exchange for helping with management and conservation. However, many villagers—having access to nearby forests—often ignore the rules and cut wood to sell the timber or make charcoal.

Multiple solutions have been proposed, such as giving villagers seedlings to plant in forests, stopping illegal logging, promoting fuel-efficient stoves, tree replanting or promoting honey production. I chose to focus on honey harvesting and production as it allows villagers to make an income while protecting trees (as hives are usually in trees).

B2 POSTER 1 [EN].jpg
Poster 1 Sketch.jpg
Posters 2&3 Context v2.jpg

Image credits for pictures used in posters (all sourced from Unsplash): Jordane Mathieu and Rosan Harmens (poster 1), Cagatay Orhan and Nick van den Berg (poster 2), Jeremy Desbiens Boulton and Pat Whelen (poster 3).

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